7 Natural wonders of the world – Learn 7 natural wonders (VIDEO)

7 Natural wonders of the world
a poll by Newopenworld private company , headquartered in Switzerland, and by the filmmaker and museum staff, Canadian – Swiss Bernard Weber operator , organized globally conducted immediately after ending poll new world Seven wonders .


  1. Elvis Kyeni
  2. George
  3. George
  4. Dan Kann
  5. Josue Sandoval
  6. Osito Arabe
  7. Edmore Dariki
  8. Andrea Breton
  9. Mio Angel
  10. Dorie Na
  11. Gloria Valles
  13. shafi Ahmad
  14. basilio zibwowa
  15. Tinotenda Kanizamo
  16. Walmart Juice Box
  17. Minecraft Woozworld xD
  18. joe bob
  19. HAnh
  20. henry rabara