The European Nature Trust – Romania The Last Great Wilderness in Europe (VIDEO)
A short film which highlights the incredible beauty and diversity of the last great wilderness in Europe in the Carpathian mountains of Romania. Filmed by Alasdair Grant and written by Charlie Ottley the video shows that though the forest is being cut down at an alarming rate a charity, TENT is helping to educate school children with a double decker bus called ‘Wild Kingdom’ which is travelling around Romania in the hope of convincing a new generation of the importance of maintaining these last great tracts of forest and thus protecting the bears and the wolves for future generations.
This is how most of Middle Europe should look like.
One of the best videos about DEFORESTation out there. Thank you. But fighting this war will take much more than lectures to school children; it will take a REVOLUTION of sorts, and battle lines must be drawn, or Europe will have no Yosemite. There is great Crime in GREED, but the World's salvation is in your hands. Let's join hands and FIGHT this war. NOW. PLEASE.
We have to stop deforestation!
Thanks!!! 🙂
Best land for living your life! EVER!!!
Many Europeans love Carpathians including British people…
The romanian population loves the Carpatians and its forests and would never give it up… you need to remove the corupt or the big companies that want or try to exploit this European tresure – alive tresure.