Wild Balkans – The Secrets of Nature (VIDEO)

Wolves hunt their prey in the valleys between high-ranging dunes, bears and lynxes wander through dense primeval forest, and the big lakes are a magnet for hundreds of bird species. That is the so-called “Balkan”. Today the “Balkans” stand for a Europe that hardly exists elsewhere.


  1. JJ France
  2. Thomas Lo
  3. Joe Mac Pherson
  4. Марјан Вуковић
  5. bryn mitchell
  6. igs London-UK
  7. Jack Greenhalgh
  8. Bob Laubach
  9. Nathan Niel
  10. False Dmitry
  11. Cevair Zufer
  12. yourname
  13. lup tudor
  14. loukas kast
  15. Ron Lee
  16. NeidalRuekk
  17. Sandy Britton
  18. MouseOnFilm
  19. bratko todor
  20. kirschakos